fadle mess
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Monday, March 21, 2022

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Sunday, March 20, 2022

سياسة الخصوصية

سياسة الخصوصية

زائرنا الكريم

خصوصيتك أيها الزائر لها أهمية بالغة بالنسبة لنا ، و سياسة الخصوصية الموجودة في هذه الوثيقة تمثل الخطوط العريضة لأنواع المعلومات الشخصية التي تجمعها مدونة fadle mess  وكيفية استخدام هذه المعلومات.

نحن نستعين بشركات إعلان كطرف ثالث لعرض الإعلانات ، وعندما تزور مدونة  fadle mess  فـ إنه يحق لهذه الشركات أن تستخدم معلومات حول زياراتك لهذه المدونه ( باستثناء الاسم أو العنوان أو عنوان البريد الإلكتروني أو رقم الهاتف ) وذلك من أجل تقديم إعلانات حول البضائع والخدمات التي تهمك عن طريق ملف تعريف الإرتباط.

نحن في  fadle mess  نستخدم إعلانات Google بصفتها مورِّدًا مالياً خارجياً ، ولذلك تستخدم شركة جوجل ملفات تعريف الارتباط لعرض الإعلانات على موقعنا.

وبذلك ستتمكّن Google ، باستخدام ملف تعريف الارتباط DART ، من عرض الإعلانات "حسب الاهتمامات" للمستخدمين استنادًا إلى زياراتهم لموقعنا.

ويمكن لزورانا الكرام تعطيل استخدام ملف تعريف الارتباط DART بزيارة سياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بإعلانات Google وشبكة المحتوى.

ملفات الدخول:
شأنها في ذلك شأن معظم خوادم المواقع الأخرى ، ومن هنا فإن  مدونة fadle mess  يستخدم نظام ملفات الدخول ، وهذا يشمل بروتوكول الانترنت (عناوين ، نوع المتصفح ، مزود خدمة الانترنت "مقدمي خدمات الانترنت" ،  التاريخ / الوقت ، وعدد النقرات لتحليل الاتجاهات).

من خلال هذه العملية لا يقصد بذلك جمع كل هذه المعلومات في سبيل التلصص على أمور الزوار الشخصية ، وإنما هي أمور تحليلية لأغراض تحسين جودة الإعلانات من قبل Google ، ويضاف إلى ذلك أن جميع هذه المعلومات المحفوظة من قبلنا سرية تماما، وتبقى ضمن نطاق التطوير والتحسين الخاص بموقعنا فقط.

الكوكيز وإعدادات الشبكة:
إن شركة Google تستخدم تقنية الكوكيز لتخزين المعلومات عن إهتمامات الزوار، إلى جانب سجل خاص للمستخدم تسجل فيه معلومات محددة عن الصفحات التي تم الوصول إليها أو زيارتها، وبهذه الخطوة فإننا نعرف مدى اهتمامات الزوار وأي المواضيع الأكثر تفضيلا من قبلهم حتى نستطيع بدورنا تطوير محتوانا الخدمي والمعرفي المناسب لهم.

نضيف إلى ذلك أن بعض الشركات التي تعلن في  fadle mess قد تتطلع على الكوكيز وإعدادات الشبكة الخاصة بموقعنا وبكم ، ومن هذه الشركات مثلاً شركة Google وبرنامجها الإعلاني Google AdSense وهي شركة الإعلانات الأولى في موقعنا.

وبالطبع فمثل هذه الشركات المعلنة والتي تعتبر الطرف الثالث في سياسة الخصوصية فهي تتابع مثل هذه البيانات والإحصائيات عبر بروتوكولات الانترنت لأغراض تحسين جودة إعلاناتها وقياس مدى فعاليتها.

كما أن هذه الشركات بموجب الاتفاقيات المبرمة معنا يحق لها استخدام وسائل تقنية مثل ( الكوكيز ، و إعدادات الشبكة ، و أكواد برمجية خاصة "جافا سكربت" ) لنفس الأغراض المذكورة أعلاه والتي تتلخص في تطوير المحتوى الإعلاني لهذه الشركات وقياس مدى فاعلية هذه الإعلانات ، من دون أي أهداف أخرى قد تضر بشكل أو بآخر على زوار موقعنا.

وبالطبع فإن مدونة fadle mess لا تستطيع الوصول أو السيطرة على هذه الملفات، وحتى بعد سماحك وتفعيلك لأخذها من جهازك (الكوكيز) ، كما أننا غير مسؤولين بأي شكل من الأشكال عن الاستخدام غير الشرعي لها إن حصل لا قدر الله .

عليك مراجعة سياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بالطرف الثالث في هذه الوثيقة  ( الشركات المعلنة مثل Google AdSense ) أو خوادم الشبكات الإعلانية لمزيد من المعلومات عن ممارساتها وأنشطتها المختلفة .

لمراجعة سياسة الخصوصية للبرنامج الإعلاني Google AdSense والتابع لشركة Google يرجى النقر هنا

يُمكن جمع البيانات لتجديد النشاط التسويقي على الشبكة الإعلانية وشبكة البحث عبر  سياسة الإعلانات التي تستهدف الاهتمامات والمواقع الخاصة بالزوار ، ويمكن تعطيل هذه الخاصية من هنا.

وأخيرا .. نحن ملزمون ضمن بنود هذه الاتفاقية بان نبين لك كيفية تعطيل خاصية الكوكيز ، حيث يمكنك فعل ذلك من خلال خيارات المتصفح الخاص بك، أو من خلال متابعة  سياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بإعلانات Google وشبكة المحتوى .

إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مزيد من المعلومات أو لديك أية أسئله عن سياسة الخصوصية ، لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا عن طريق نموذج الإتصال ، بالدخول إلى تبويب اتصل بنا.

تم تحرير هذه الصفحة بتاريخ 19/3/2022

بنود هذه السياسة قابلة للتطوير والتغيير في محتواها في أي وقت نراه ضرورياً .

Finding activities for toddlers

 Finding activities for toddlers 

Finding activities for toddlers is no big deal, but the difficult part is finding something that will keep them entertained for more than a few seconds.  The problem with any activity for toddlers is that kids are so fickle and so moody.  It really is hard to tell what children's activities will be appreciated and which ones will. If you pick the the right toddler activities, the kids will have fun for hours. But if you pick the wrong ones, they may become bored, or even upset.  The important thing for a parent or caregiver is to be patient and ready to try many different activities.

Of course, when selecting an activity for toddlers, you have to keep in mind that many of the things that we take for granted and do every day and novelties for them. For example, taking a walk in a stroller is an activity for toddlers that provides endless amusement and entertainment.  Similarly, something like peekaboo list adult has become a bit of a boring an obvious, for young children is still a source of great amusement.

Of course, sometimes the best activity for toddlers is the simplest and most obvious.  I have noticed that little kids love to play with balloons.  I actually cannot be credited with this activity for toddlers – I do not think of it on my own.  I got it from a kids book, when older brother demonstrates for his younger brother and his brothers friends all the fun that can be had by dancing around with balloons.  In the book, it keeps the kids busy for something like 40 minutes, which is impressive for any activity for toddlers.  Although in my experience it doesn't work quite that well, it is still a good way to keep them entertained and teach the basic principles of hand eye coordination.

But in reality, the best way to find an activity for toddlers is to think back to your own childhood.  What did you like to do?  What entertained you?  What excited you, and what relaxed you?  And most of all what capture your imagination?  Of course, when you start asking these kind of questions, you eventually find your way to the best activity for toddlers that there is: reading.  Kids love books, and at that age it is the best time to introduce them to lifelong love of reading.  Even before the have a good grasp of language, they will enjoy the pictures, and and pick up at least parts of the story. Read to them every day.

People who spend a great deal of time

 People who spend a great deal of time

People who spend a great deal of time and energy on maintaining a certain body weight should consider purchasing accurate bathroom scales for their homes. These items come in two major types from which to choose. In order to pick one that is right for you, consider the following information.

Basically, the accurate bathroom scales come in a large spectrum when it comes to price range. You can find a really good product for a very reasonable price if you look hard enough. Some people prefer to invest a little more to insure that they receive the best product on the market but this might not be necessary when it comes to accurate bathroom scales.

One type of weighing scale that you might want to avoid if you have major weight issues is the standard mechanical type. I discovered the hazards of this older version while I was expecting my first child. I thought that the inexpensive version was among the accurate bathroom scales on the market but I soon discovered that I was sorely mistaken.

Being a weight-conscious individual I made sure that I followed a pretty good diet but I really had trouble exercising. This usually spells disaster for me when it comes to packing on the pounds. When I stepped on what I thought was one of the more accurate bathroom scales available I found that I gained a mere five pound in a month.

This didn’t seem quite right because I felt as if I gained much more than that but I argued that the scales don’t lie. Sometimes the older mechanical weight scales do. When I stepped on the scale at the doctor’s office I was stunned to find that I had gained almost fifteen pounds instead of five. 

I argued that the nurse must have written the figure wrong because I had invested in one of the most accurate bathroom scales available. Unfortunately, the scale wasn’t so accurate. The unit was pretty old and it did have a crack. Part of the problem was my hopeful interpretation of the numbers as well.

After the embarrassing incident at the doctor’s office I decided to shop for accurate bathroom scales that fall into the second category: electronic. I found the perfect item and I never misread the numbers. They are as plain as day. 

If your weight fluctuates, you might want to choose an electronic scale. You get a precise reading every time with no room for human error. These are the most accurate bathroom scales on the market, in my opinion. 

One thing you are never fully aware

One thing you are never fully aware

One thing you are never fully aware of when you become pregnant is about stretch marks.  People tend to tell you about just about everything else under the sun that plagued them during their pregnancies, but no one seems to mention anything about stretch marks.  It must be some sort of hidden secret.  Maybe they don’t want anyone to know that they have the god-awful things on their stomachs years after giving birth?  

I’ll tell you one thing about stretch marks, and that is there is nothing to do to prevent them.  It is purely genetic if you have the elasticity in your skin that will allow you to glide through pregnancy as one of the lucky bitches that never ever sees one of those river deep indentations on your skin.  Six months after giving birth to my second child, I still have horrendous stretch marks that don’t seem to be fading.  Don’t be fooled by what commercials try to tell you about stretch marks and their magical creams to avoid them.  I tried everything under the sun during my first pregnancy and still had awful stretch marks that were deep and red.  Only about one year later did they seem to be somewhat subsiding, and I decided to get pregnant again which only added more on top of the ones that already existed!  Creams, lotions and the like will not prevent them, no matter what they tell you about stretch marks and prevention.  Sure, the creams will make your skin itch less, but they certainly won’t stop your body from producing marks.

You may think you have made it through pregnancy without getting them once you reach your last few days.  Surprise!  That’s another thing that is never mentioned about stretch marks – you often get them after you deliver your child!  It makes absolutely no sense to me, but several women I know have gone through their entire nine months with not so much as a small mark, and them BAM!  They deliver and they have stretch marks all over their sides.   And when you start to lose your pregnancy weight?  You know when you are supposed to start feeling good about yourself again?  That’s when they become more apparent, mainly because they have less surface area to cover so they get all smashed together into one big lump.

Yes, pregnancy is a beautiful time in a woman’s life.  But ask questions about stretch marks and other side effects before you even become pregnant.  That way you won’t be surprised when your body is just never quite the same.

There are many difficult decisions we make in our lives

There are many difficult decisions we make in our lives

There are many difficult decisions we make in our lives. It's easy to say that one of the greatest ones commonly concerns children. You either decide to have them or you don't. For me it's that simple. The last thing I think a woman or couple should do is have a child and raise him/her poorly. This is never prudent, nor does it ever go well. Children require unconditional love, and if you know that you're too selfish to give it to them, then don't have kids. My brother completely admits that he and his wife are way too selfish to have children. They want to do what they want to do, and they don't want to deal with kids getting in the way. There is nothing wrong with this. Some people were meant to have children and some were not. Every couple on the planet certainly doesn't need to. If we had more thinking going on regarding this topic, there would be less abortion clinics. 

You can easily find abortion clinics in this day and age. I know what you're thinking. This is always an extremely touchy subject. Some folks are Pro-Choice and others are Pro-Life. Me, I'm somewhere in the middle of it all. It's kind of like Republican and Democrat. I have trouble choosing a side because I have mixed feelings and opinions. It's never that black and white for me. For example, I do think abortion clinics are necessary sometimes. We clearly have oodles of crime in our harsh society. If a woman is raped and becomes pregnant, there is no way I would tell her to have the child. What if it's a 13 year old girl and her father is the one who got her pregnant? Would you actually insist on her giving birth? Situations like these are a mess, and they're very sensitive. In my opinion these are the situations that require abortion clinics. Of course there are a few individuals out there who say that abortion is wrong no matter what. Although I sort of see their perspective, I have to wonder if they would say the same thing if it were them. 

Find out all you want to know about abortion and where abortion clinics are located by getting online. Take a gander at the contemporary debates regarding this sensitive issue. However, always remember to keep an open mind. Not all of us are going to see eye to eye. 

When I was younger, I used to have fantastic abs

 When I was younger, I used to have fantastic abs

When I was younger, I used to have fantastic abs. I watched what I ate, limited my fat intake, and did hundreds of crunches per day. Yes, it was very hard work, but the results were worth it. Then everything changed after I gave birth to my first child. I was suddenly very soft around the middle, had noticeable love handles, and couldn't get rid of the flab no matter how many different diets I tried. To make matters worse, I couldn't even do crunches anymore because I had severe chronic back pain. I wasn't ready to accept being out of shape, so I decided to check out some abdominal exercise machines.

Abdominal exercise machines are specially designed to target the abs during each workout. Most abdominal exercise machines simulate regular crunches, but in a way that is much easier on the body. For example, most people do crunches while lying on the floor with their hands behind their head, which puts them at risk for back and neck injuries if they don't have perfect form. That's not a problem with abdominal exercise machines since they limit your motions and force you to have good form in order to operate the mechanisms. In other words, abdominal exercise machines are practically foolproof and give the rest of your body a break while you work on your abs.

I had seen plenty of late-night infomercials for abdominal exercise machines, but wasn't willing to make a purchase decision based solely on what I heard on TV. I wanted to hear what real people had to say about these abdominal exercise machines, not what actors and professional bodybuilders were paid to say. So I went online to find third-party consumer reviews of some of the leading abdominal exercise machines. I wanted to know which products were well-constructed, easy to use, and actually worked on sculpting abs, and which products would just waste my time. Plus, I wanted to find websites where I could buy the most popular abdominal exercise machines at the lowest prices. These products were very expensive, so any discounts I could get would definitely help my wallet.

It's a good thing I decided to read online reviews of abdominal exercise machines before buying one. It turns out that the one product I really had my eye on wasn't received very well by consumers. There were a couple of big problems with it that I never would have known about until it was too late if I hadn't done the proper research first. So I actually ended up buying one of the other abdominal exercise machines that was lower down on my list but that received rave reviews.

Now that I've got one of these abdominal exercise machines, I'm able to work on my abs several times a week without experiencing any back pain at all. And more importantly, I'm slowly but surely starting to see a reduction in my waist size. If I keep this up, I know I'll be back to my pre-childbirth body in a few months!




This is just an example, you can fill it later with your own note.